TCSBA Indianpreneurship
Tribal College Small Business Administration – Indianpreneurship
The Tribal College Small Business project proposes to create an Indianpreneurship program within the boundaries of our two chartered reservations. The Indianpreneurship curriculum provides comprehensive information on business planning, access to capital, basic bookkeeping, human resources, problem solving, and marketing a small business. It is anticipated that the courses will take place over the course of 20 hours per full course with a graduation ceremony for each at the conclusion of each course. The enhanced knowledge in the business concepts will assist the participants to develop their own businesses, including financial aspects, in an attempt to formalize the micro-enterprises into formal businesses on the reservation.
Furthermore, it is proposed the TCSBA will offer no less than six complete sessions per year to provide the needed education for participants to be able leave the program with the opportunity to conceptualize and develop a complete business plan as well as putting it into practice. Additionally, the counseling services that will be offered by the Project Director and the Project Assistant will further to assist prospective and current small business owners to the various opportunities that are available through educational, financial and organizational assistance via the SBA, pg电子app下载, the APEX Accelerator, and other local, state, federal and Tribal opportunities. The proposed counseling support topics include business planning, access to capital, basic bookkeeping, human resources, problem solving, and marketing a small business
To cultivate a thriving community of empowered Native entrepreneurs who drive economic growth and self-sufficiency within our reservations. We envision a future where every participant has the knowledge, resources, and support to transform their business ideas into successful enterprises, fostering a resilient and prosperous Tribal economy built on innovation, cultural heritage, and collaboration.
Contact information
Anthony Warrior -
Kenny Derby -
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